Logo for the Eucharistic Adoration Endowment

Eucharistic Adoration


Adoration with our beautiful Jesus brings
unimaginable peace and endless joy.

Once you experience this peace and joy, you can’t help but share it with the world — that it is freely available to all of us!

The Eucharistic Adoration Endowment Fund was created within the Catholic Foundation to help unite disciples who yearn to bring the world closer to Jesus through Adoration. It’s mission is to help people experience the love of Jesus through Eucharistic encounters, and to share that love with others.  

Anyone can contribute to it and know that they are a part of this mission. In turn, any organization that facilitates Eucharistic Adoration and needs assistance in any aspect of sharing our Lord with others, can apply for a grant. Whether you contribute to the fund or apply for a grant you are part of this awesome mission.

We are disciples called to make disciples. For more information go to dcgary.org/news/new-endowment-fund-supports-eucharistic-adoration.

The Eucharistic Adoration Endowment (EAE) is a grant making endowment.  Applications for grants are accepted every December. Upon receipt of the applications, the EAE Committee reviews the applications and decides which applicant will be awarded the grant(s).  Grants are awarded in January. 

Support the Eucharistic Adoration Endowment today!